Limit…. Reduce Consumption
There is a saying in Sanskrit `ati sarvatra varjayet` which means excess of anything is prohibited. It is completely true for every aspect in life e.g. drinking water as much as one can is considered to be a good practice for one’s health, however, if you drink it in access there are consequences in terms of Overhydration.
Same goes true for resource consumption. I mean even if a resource is considered to be green and efficient, it does not mean that we should consume it without limits. One good example of it is use solar power. There are already few articles floating across web stating that too much of solar panels are damaging plants under the panels and bigger concern is that they are causing soil to be infertile as sun light is also necessary for soil to remain fertile. Further, I can imagine some day we might hear that we are absorbing too much of sun light that earth or its atmosphere is reducing its temperature causing nature imbalance again. There is a study with some thing similar effects. We are covering water bodies with solar panels for more green energy without wasting fertile land, however, I don’t think there is much study done to analyse the effect of sun light not reaching water body, on water living beings.
Similarly, because electric vehicles are greener than ICE vehicles, it does not mean that we should be travelling unnecessary using electric vehicles. There is already a debate on pollution caused by tyres of EVs because of their extra weight. I know technology would some day would solve this as well, but then there would be some other problem because of over usage of EVs.
My main objective is to convey a practice that we should more focus on reducing our consumption and make it a habit no matter if the resource we are using is limitless (like Sun’s energy) or not. Because of lack of this practice, some countries are trying to tap green energy (Sun light) from outside of the space and beam it back to earth which some day would cause more heat in earth or its environment.